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Vanadyum (V), çoğu memeli dokusunun endojen bir bileşenidir. Vanadyumun önemi insanlarda ve hayvanlarda hala net olmasa da, daha düşük konsantrasyonlarda mikroorganizmalar, bitkiler ve hayvanlar için gereklidir ve canlı organizmalardaki eksikliği birçok yan etkiyle ilişkilidir. Hücrelerde, vanadat ve fosfatın kısmen benzerliğinden dolayı, vanadyum bileşikleri çok sayıda sinyal yolunu ve transkripsiyon faktörünü aktive etmiştir. Bu da vanadyum bazlı terapötiklerin uygulanmasını güçlendirmiştir. Ancak, bu spesifik olmayan biyo-aktivitenin çeşitli yan etkileri de görülmektedir. Reaktif oksijen türleri oluşturarak oksidatif strese neden olabilir. Vanadyumun insülini taklit etme etkisinden dolayı diyabeti tedavi etmek ve gücü artırmak için çok sayıda hapın ve diğer diyet takviyelerinin bir bileşeni haline gelmiştir. Kan hemoglobini, V eksikliğinden etkilenmez, ancak V eksikliği olan diyetler amino asit metabolizmasını değiştirmeden kreatinin, trigliseritler, β-lipoprotein ve enzim benzeri glutamil transferaz ve sitrat asit döngüsünün aktivitelerini arttırır. Kolesterol düzeylerini, kalp hastalığını, sifilizi, tüberkülozu, anemiyi ve ödemi azalttığı, hemoglobin ve miyoglobinin oksijen afinitesinin artırılmasında rol oynadığı, iyot metabolizması ve tiroid fonksiyonu için gerekli olduğu bildirilmektedir. Kemiklerde kalsiyum birikimini kolaylaştırıp kemik kolajen sentezi ile, osteojenik ve osteoblastik aktivite için gereklidir, diyabetik koşullarda potansiyel bir antioksidan ajan olarak hareket eder. Vanadyum bileşikleri birçok alanda olduğu gibi kanseri tedavi etmede de rol oynar. 20. yüzyılın ortalarında, çeşitli çalışmalar, vanadyum bileşiklerinin kanser hücrelerinin apoptozunu, proliferasyonunu ve dönüşümünü düzenleyen potansiyel ajanlar olarak tanımlamışlardır. Vanadyum bileşikleri, bileşiğinin dozuna ve tipine bağlı olarak hem pro- hem de anti-tümör özellikler sergilemişlerdir. Düşük konsantrasyonlarda vanadyum tümör hücrelerinin çoğalmasını uyarırken, yüksek konsantrasyonlar inhibe edebilmektedirler. Bu derleme makalede, farklı kanser türleri için sentezlenen vanadyum bileşikleri ve bunların terapötik etkilerine değinilmiştir.
Aim: Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) is a common genetic disease that progresses to end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Tolvaptan is a disease-modifying agent that slows cyst growth and kidney disease progression in ADPKD. In this study, we examined the effects and side effects of tolvaptan in high-risk ADPKD patients using tolvaptan. We share our experience of this study. Methods: Twenty-seven ADPKD patients who were at high risk according to the Mayo Clinical Classification and accepted treatment were included in the study. Tolvaptan 60 mg/day orally was started in patients to slow the ADPKD. The daily dose was increased to 120 mg depending on the patients’ response to tolvaptan treatment and their tolerance to side effects. The patients were followed up during tolvaptan treatment to observe the effects and side effects of the medication. Results: The mean age of the patients was 40.3±8.2. Hypertension was present in 81.5% of the patients, and they mostly used renin angiotensin aldosterone system inhibitors. As aquaretic side effects of tolvaptan treatment, there was thirst in 14 patients (51.9%), polydipsia in 10 patients (37%), dry mouth in 5 patients (18.5%), and nocturia in 4 patients (14.8%). In addition, although liver enzyme elevation, hypernatremia, and acute kidney injury were observed in one patient each, these side effects did not lead to permanent discontinuation of the drug. Polyuria was observed in all patients, but the patients tolerated the polyuria well and continued to use tolvaptan treatment. Conclusion: Although the patients experienced side effects related to tolvaptan treatment, none of the patients discontinued the drug permanently. We observed that patients generally tolerated tolvaptan treatment well.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between obsessional dissociation, family accommodation, and anxiety sensitivity in individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Materials and Methods: The participants of this descriptive and relationship-seeking study were 62 individuals with OCD and 43 healthy controls. We collected data using a sociodemographic data form, the Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale (YBOCS), the Family Accommodation Scale-Patient Version (FAS-PV), the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3), and the Van Obsessional Dissociation Questionnaire (VOD-Q). Results: Both the ASI-3 and VOD-Q subscale and global scores of the patients participating in the study were higher than those of the healthy controls, and there was a statistically significant difference between the two groups. Sixty-two percent of the total score of VOD-Q was explained by the ASI-3 total and subscale scores, 16% by the YBOCS total and subscale scores, and 11% by the FAS-PV total and subscale scores (F:38.622; F:6.797; and F:2.941, respectively). Conclusion: In our study, individuals diagnosed with OCD had higher levels of obsessional dissociation than healthy individuals and anxiety sensitivity, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, and family accommodation are effective in the development of obsessional dissociation in individuals diagnosed with OCD.
Güneşten gelen ışınları elektrik enerjisine dönüştüren fotovoltaik (FV) paneller çıkışlarında doğrusal olmayan düşük seviyeli doğru akım (DA) formunda gerilim üretirler. Bu çalışmada, yüksek güçlü uygulamalar için FV panellerin gerilimini regüle etmek amacıyla yükselten tip DA/DA dönüştürücü devresine DSP tabanlı hibrit kontrol yöntemi önerilmiştir. Önerilen bu kontrol yöntemi aynı zamanda değiştir ve gözle maksimum güç noktası izleme (D&G MGNİ) işlevini de içermektedir. Gerilim kontrolü için PI ve akım kontrolü için ortalama kayan kipli (OKK) kontrolcü kullanılmıştır. Önerilen hibrit kontrol yöntemi, D&G MGNİ, PI, OKK kontrolcülerinin arka arkaya seri bağlanmasıyla elde edilmiştir. Önerilen kontrol yöntemi ile FV panel maksimum güç noktasında çalıştırılırken, çıkış gerilimi ve akımı sırasıyla PI ve OKK kontrolcüleri ile kontrol edilmiştir. DA/DA yükselten dönüştürücünün giriş kaynağı FV panel olarak modellenmiş ve MATLAB/Simulink benzetim ortamında önerilen hibrit kontrol yöntemi ile kontrol edilmiştir. Önerilen sistem ve kontrolcü için deney düzeneği kurulmuş ve DSP TMS320F28379D kartı vasıtasıyla çıkış gerilimi 200V ve çıkış gücü 400W olan sistemin deneysel sonuçları aktarılmıştır.
Bu çalışma, Muş ve ilçelerinde yenidoğan ishalli buzağılarda Rotavirus, Coronavirus, Escherichia coli K-99, Cryptosporidium spp. ve Clostridium perfringens etkenlerinin prevalansını belirlemek için yapıldı. Araştırmanın hayvan materyali; sistematik bir şekilde muayeneleri yapılan Muş ili ve ilçelerinde yenidoğan farklı yaş, ırk ve cinsiyette 96 ishalli buzağıdan dışkı örnekleri alınarak yapıldı. Alınan dışkı numuneleri hızlı tanı testleriyle tekniğine uygun olarak analiz edildi. Dışkı örneklerinin hızlı diagnostik test kitleriyle incelenmesi sonucunda, buzağılardaki ishalin %10.41 Rotavirus, %25 Coronavirus, %27.08 Rotavirus+ Coronavirus, %7.29 E. coli, %5.37 Cryptosporidium spp, %12.5 Clostridium perfringens ve %12.5 diğer faktörlerden kaynaklandığı tespit edildi. Sonuç olarak; Muş ili ve ilçelerinde neonatal dönemdeki ishalli buzağılarda ishale neden enteropatojenlerin varlığı ve bunların dağılımı hakkında bilimsel veriler ortaya konuldu. Muş ve ilçelerinde yenidoğan ishalli buzağılar ile ilgili gelecek zamanlarda yapılacak olan bilimsel çalışmalar için yol göstereceği ve ışık tutacağı kanısına varıldı.
The Sertoli cell is a critical somatic cell that initiates the development of testicular morphology and determines important parameters for spermatogenic function. The blood-testis barrier, also known as the Sertoli cell barrier and one of the tightest tissue barriers in the mammalian body, is an immunological barrier to separate post meiotic germ cell antigens from the systemic circulation. Additionally, creating a unique microenvironment for the development of spermatocytes that exceed into the adluminal compartment from the leptotene stage. It restricts the passage of substances such as paracrine factors, electrolytes, hormones, water, and biological molecules to the apical part of the seminiferous tubule. It separates spermatogenic cells from toxic and drug-containing environmentally harmful substances, hormones, and biomolecules in the systemic circulation. This nearly impenetrable barrier prevents proteins, including antibodies, from reaching the spermatogenic cells. It also prevents protein leakage from developing spermatogenic cells and forming an immune response. This review explains Sertoli's functional properties, the testis barrier's molecular structure, the substances involved in the barrier dynamics, and their importance in realizing spermatogenesis.
Many health problems are seen due to aging. One of these is problems in the reproductive system. Reproductive system problems are caused by lower urinary system symptoms, prostate diseases, low fertility, testicular dysfunction. The aim of this study was to compare reproductive parameters of geriatric (3 years old) and young (3 months old) rats. A 3-year-old rat is equivalent to an average 90-95-year-old human. For this purpose, sperm analysis, testicular and prostate histopathology, testicular oxidative stress parameters were examined in geriatric (3 years old) and young (3 months old) rats. In the analysis results, it was determined that sperm motility ratio decreased (p<0.001), abnormal sperm ratio increased (p<0.001) and sperm density decreased (p<0.001) in the geriatric group. Statistically, oxidative stress parameters MDA, AOPP, T-SH levels increased (p<0.05) and CAT level decreased (p<0.05) in geriatric group. Histopathologically, degeneration, necrosis and irregular alignments were observed in the tubulus seminiferous contortus in the geriatric group. Hyperplasia and dilatation of the prostate gland were detected in the geriatric group. As a result of this study, it is thought that reproductive performance in geriatric male rats is very low, and the probability of reproduction is very difficult.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the out-of-season reproductive performance and lamb birth weight of Kangal ewes orally administered a bolus of vitamin and mineral premix or mineral premix given as injection with at 40-45 days postpartum during the anestrous period. In total, 78 primiparous Kangal ewes with were randomly allocated to three experimental groups. Estrus induction protocol was performed and a ram was introduced to the ewes at the 80th days postpartum. Ewes in the group 1 a dose of 2 mL of injectable mineral solution at 40-45 days before oestrous synchronisation, was administered at once (n = 25). As for group 2, at 40-45 days before oestrous synchronisation, a mineral bolus was given orally once (n = 27). To the ewes in the group 3 a dose of 2 mL of physiological saline was given once to the animals (n = 26) simultaneously with group 1 and group 2. Reproductive parameters such as estrus and pregnancy rates; single, twin, triplet, and multiple pregnancy rates; litter size; embryonic mortality; fecundity; and dystocia rates were evaluated. In addition, the placentas were weighed to evaluate the effect of mineral supplements on placentation. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of parameters above (p>0.05). However, the rate of dystocia was significantly lower in group 2 compared to Groups 1 and 3 (p<0.05). In conclusion, as a result, it was determined that slow-releasing boluses could not produce efficacy during the throughout pregnancy.
Correspondence analysis (CA) is one of the multivariate statistical analysis techniques which examines the relationships between different nominal variable categories in two-way or contingency tables. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationships between Alpha-S1 casein and Beta-lactoglobulin gene polymorphisms in Norduz sheep by the CA method. In this study, genotype frequencies of CSN1S1 and BLG genes in Norduz sheep (n=102) were used as categorical variables. As a statistical method, descriptive statistics of characteristics were presented as count and percent and the chi-square ( 𝜒 2 ) test and CA in this study were performed to explore the relationships among the genotype frequencies of Beta-lactoglobulin and Alpha-S1 casein genes. The results of this study indicated that CA can be contributed to a graphical display for categories of nominal variables. Animal breeders can utilize CA as an analytical technique and graphical representation for categorical data. According to the results of this study, the first and second dimensions jointly accounted for 52.25% of the total inertia and "AA" allele of CSN1S1 has the greatest significance in the first dimension, while "BB" allele of BLG has the greatest significant in the second dimension. Therefore, it would be useful to investigate the effects of βLactoglobulin and αS1-Casein genotypes on various yield traits in larger population of Norduz sheep.
This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Peste des Petits Ruminant (PPR) in sheep herds in different areas in the Iraq - Kirkuk region by using the ELISA test technique. According to clinical findings, the presence of seropositive samples by PPR test kit and ELISA method was revealed in the sera obtained from blood samples of lambs suspected of PPR disease. According to the obtained the test results, 47% of the antibodies against the PPR virus of all lambs used in the study were positive. Presence of PPR antibody was detected as 41.5% in 2-6 month old lambs. The disease was detected at the highest level in April with a rate of 56.50%. As a result, it was revealed that PPR is endemic in the Kirkuk-Iraq region. In conclusion; In the fight against Peste des Petits Ruminant (PPR) disease; It was concluded that in addition to preventive vaccine studies, disinfection systems, quarantine, training of sheep breeders and development of a plan for global disease prevention are required.
The present experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of drinking water temperature and stocking density (SD) on oxidative metabolism in the heart, liver, bursa fabricius, and thymus in broiler chickens raised under heat stress. The experiment comprised of 360 one-day-old Ross 308 male broiler chickens randomly divided to 6 experimental groups with 4 replicates in each group. Experimental treatments included three different SD (low = 12 birds/m2, medium = 15 birds/m2 or high = 18 birds/m2) and two different drinking water temperature (10oC or 31oC) in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement. At the end of the experiment (42 days of age), two birds per replicate were euthanized for sample collection. The results indicated high SD increased oxidative damage and caused an increase in MDA formation in the heart, liver and thymus. On the other hand, cold water ameliorated the oxidative damage due to the high SD in the thymus. In the study, the statistically non-significant interaction was generally determined between cage stocking density and cold drinking water on the antioxidant system. Besides, while cold water administration increased CAT activity in heart and thymus tissues, decreased GSH activity. In conclusion, drinking water temperature and stocking density are key environmental factors effecting oxidative metabolism when broilers under high temperature conditions; however, more studies are needed in terms of the interactive effects of water temperature and stocking density on antioxidant enzymes under current conditions.
In this study the larynx, trachea, and lungs of one 1.5-year-old adult female lynx (Lynx lynx) were examined. The macro anatomical and histological structure of the larynx cartilages, trachea, and lungs were tried to be revealed by dissection and measurements. It was determined that the trachea had 48 cartilage rings (cartilago trachealis) up to the bifurcatio trachealis, the diameters of which narrow as they approach the lungs. The total tracheal length was 172.36 mm. It was seen that the cross-section of the lynx trachea resembled a circle. The hyaline cartilage structure surrounding the trachea was determined. A muscle structure called musculus transversus trachea, which closes the open ends of this cartilage and surrounds the cartilage from the outside, was detected. It was determined that the trachea consisted of tunica mucosa, submucosa, and tunica adventitia layers. The pulmo sinister in the lynx lung consisted of two main lobes, lobus cranialis, and lobus caudalis. Lobus cranialis was also divided among itself as pars cranialis and pars caudalis. Pulmo dexter was divided into four main lobes as lobus cranialis, lobus medius, lobus caudalis, and lobus accessorius. It was determined that there was connective tissue capsule surrounding the lung, respiratory bronchioles, alveoli, intraalveolar septum, and abundant blood vessels. In intraalveolar septum; capillaries, erythrocytes were determined. Type I and type II pneumocytes were seen covering the alveolar surface. In addition, it was determined that there were macrophages in the alveolar sacs.
The study was conducted to investigate how Ferula rigidula extract affected sperm profile, antioxidant parameters, and stereological profile in experimental diabetic rats. Performed on forty-nine male rats. The rats were randomly assigned to control group, diabetic group, diabetic + Ferula rigidula group 1, diabetic + Ferula rigidula group 2, diabetic + glibenclamide group, Ferula rigidula group 1, and Ferula rigidula group 2. While sperm count, motility, antioxidant parameters, testosterone hormone, germinal epithelial volume, and germinal epithelial height decreased in the diabetic group, abnormal sperm count, malondialdehyde level, and lumen volume increased. When Ferula rigidula (extract) was given to diabetic rats, it brought the stereological findings to the same level as the control group. In addition, it was determined that there were improvements in biochemical parameters, approaching the values of the control group. Specifically, when Ferula rigidula extract was administered alone, testosterone levels and stereological findings improved in group 1. In addition, it was determined that there were significant improvements in sperm parameters. However, it was determined that the positive effect of Ferula rigidula extract was very significant at low doses (250 mg/kg) and decreased at high doses (500 mg/kg). As a result, Ferula rigidula extract has an antioxidant role and can be used to alleviate the problems caused by diabetes in the male reproductive system.
In this study, it was aimed to evaluate a new colostrum feeding protocol in terms of passive transfer success. In the study, 70 calves each from two different farms with similar characteristics except colostrum feeding protocols were used. According to the modified method, new-born calves were given as much colostrum as the calf could drink, once every 3 hours, a total of 5 times in the first 12 hours. After 12 hours, as in the classical method, 2.5 liters of colostrum was given to the calves in the morning and evening, and then the calves were fed with milk. The amount of colostrum consumed by the calves fed with the modified method at each meal was recorded, and the blood IgG levels were measured using the ELISA method. In the first 5 feedings made in the modified method, the calves drank an average of 5.51 L colostrum in the first 12-hour period, 2.52 L in the first feeding, 0.86 L in the second feeding, 0.52 L in the third feeding, 0.98 L in the fourth feeding, and 0.63 L in the fifth feeding, respectively. While the mean blood IgG level of the calves in the modified colostral feeding group was 37.33 mg/ml, it was measured as 31.04 mg/ml in the classical colostral feeding group. As a result, with this difference made in the colostrum feeding method, the blood IgG levels of the calves reached a significantly higher level compared to the classical method.
Abstract: Objective: Soft tissue sarcomas are heterogeneous group of malignancies consisting of more than 50 subtypes. Although it is rare, it is usually resistant to chemotherapy and has a poor prognosis. In this study, we planned to investigate the efficacy, tolerability and side-effect profile of pazopanib in metastatic soft tissue sarcomas. Method-Material: Our study was a single-center retrospective study and included metastatic patients over the age of 18 who were treated with pazopanib. Data of 37 patients were obtained in retrospective medical records. In patients using pazopanib; Tumor location, histological subtype, tumor grade, disease stage, the line at which pazopanib was used, efficacy, tolerability, and side-effect profile of pazopanib were examined. Findings: The mean age of the patients at diagnosis was 49. Pleomorphic sarcoma was the most common subtype. The progression-free survival (PFS) of patients after first-line therapy was 18 weeks. The median overall survival (OS) of the patients was 20 months. The median PFS with pazopanip was 18 weeks. Conclusion: In the study we conducted research in terms of effectiveness and side effects; the use of pazopanib in soft tissue sarcoma was found to be effective in terms of both PFS and OS. Side effects were tolerable and treatable. In our study, a PFS of 32 weeks was obtained in patients with hypothyroidism and at 16 weeks in patients who did not. In this respect, development of hypothyroidism may be a predictive parameter for response.
Tıp Fakültesi acil servisine göz travması ile başvuran hastalarda; taşıdığı bölgesel risk faktörleri, travma nedenleri gibi parametrelerin morbidite üzerine etkilerinin incelenmesi amaçlandı. Çalışmaya 01.01.2010 ile 31.12.2018 tarihleri arasında Tıp Fakültesi Acil Servisine travma sonrası başvuran 2685 hasta dahil edildi. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, şikayetleri, hastaneye yatış, taburculuk gibi durumlarını içeren bilgiler değerlendirildi. Sunulan çalışmada 2685 kişi acil servise başvurmuş olup bu hastaların büyük çoğunluğu 20-49 yaş aralığındaydı (%77.16). %83.0’ü erkek, %97.8’i acil servise direkt başvuru biçiminde olup, en sık göz travma mekanizması ise yabancı cisim ile %52.7’di (n: 1416). %41.7'isi kornea ve kornea dışı yabancı cisim tanısı almış, %81,1’inin acil başvurusu, taburcu olarak sonuçlandırıldı. Çalışmamızda, göz muayenesinin önemini, standart muayene yöntemlerinin uygulanabilirliğini ve acil servisin işleyişinin etkisine, epidemiyolojik açıdan katkıda bulunmayı amaçladık.
Aim: Adolescent pregnancies constitute a very important health issue for maternal and fetal with social and economic consequences. The purpose of this study is to analyze the perinatal outcomes of adolescent pregnancies in a training and research hospital. Materials and Methods: Perinatal outcomes for adolescents between the ages of 10 and 19 years old and adults between the ages of 20 and 30 years old between 2015 and 2019 were evaluated and compared retrospectively, using an obstetric and neonatal database from Van Training and Research Hospital. Results: Cesarean section (CS) rates were 19,4 % vs. 30% in the adolescent and control groups, respectively (p<0.05). The rates of preterm delivery (PD), premature rupture of membranes (PROM), preeclampsia, and eclampsia were significantly higher among adolescents (p<0.05). After adjusting for maternal age, gravida, parity, hemoglobin level, education, socioeconomic status, and pregnancy follow-up, the rates of NVD (aOR 2.004, 95% CI 1.739-2.309), PB (aOR 1.419, 95% CI 1.122-1.794), PROM (aOR 4.401, 95% CI 3.066-6.319) and low birth weight (<2,500 g; aOR 2.480, 95% CI 1.442-4.264) were elevated in the adolescent group. Conclusion: Adolescent pregnancy is associated with increased risk of PD, low birth weight, PROM, fetal mortality, and preeclampsia in our study. In this study, which evalu ated adolescent pregnancies, maternal and fetal outcomes, risk of preeclampsia increased among maternal outcomes, and it was found to be associated with preterm birth, low birth weight, premature rupture of the membrane and increased fetal mortality from fetal outcomes. However, there are different results between studies because there are many factors affecting the results. More studies are needed to confirm these results. There is a need for more studies on adolescent pregnancies with important maternal and fetal outcomes not only for our country but also for many countries.
Sürdürülebilirlik; tekstil sektörünün hammadde temini, iplik eğirme, dokuma, örme, terbiye, boya/baskı ve konfeksiyon bileşenlerinin tüm süreçleriyle ilgili bir kavramdır. Sürdürülebilir bir yaklaşım insan sağlığı ve ekosistem açısından sentetik madde kullanımının en aza indirilmesi, hızlı tüketim anlayışından vazgeçilmesi, sınırlı ve kıt kaynakların iktisatlı kullanılmasını gerektirmektedir. Sentetik boyaların üretimi ve kullanımı sonrasında oluşan atıkların çevre ve insan sağlığı açısından yarattığı sorunlar birçok akademik çalışma ile ortaya konmuştur. Doğal boyaların bu noktada ön plana çıktığı bilinmektedir. Türkiye’de tekstil işletmelerinde doğal boya kullanımına daha gerçekçi ve çözüm odaklı yaklaşabilmek adına Türkiye’de doğal boyalı giysi ve aksesuar üretimi yapan tekstil işletmeleri incelenmiştir. İşletmelerin tekstil ve çevre konusundaki bakış açıları, ürünleri ve kullandıkları doğal boya kaynaklarına yer verilmiştir. Hammadde kaynaklarının sürdürülebilir bir yaklaşım ile değerlendirilmesi noktasında işletmelerden yalnızca bir tanesinin atık olarak değerlendirilebilecek boyarmadde kaynakları kullandığı görülmüştür. Hem mevcut uygulamalara dair hem de “doğal boyaların tekstil endüstrisinde kullanımı” problemine alandaki akademik çalışmalardan, tartışmalardan, gözlem ve deneylerden hareketle tıbbi ve aromatik bitkilerin uçucu yağı alınmış posaları ile tıp, gıda ve kozmetik sektörlerinde kullanılan bitkilerin atıklarının (posalarının) kullanımına yönelik çalışmalar derlenerek öneriler sunulmuştur.
Objectives: In this experimental study, we aimed to investigate the effectiveness of oral pirfenidone (PFD) treatment on preventing tendon adhesion and tendon healing in rats. Materials and methods: A total of 21 rats were assigned into three groups including seven rats in each group. In Group 1 (sham group), no surgical procedure was performed. In Group 2 (control group), tendon repair was performed following right achillotomy. In Group 3 (treatment group), the rats also underwent tendon repair after right achillotomy. Additionally, 30 mg/kg of oral PFD was initiated from the postoperative Day 1 and administered via gavage for 28 days. At the end of the study, tendon healing and fibrosis levels in the tendon repair site were compared macroscopically, histopathologically, and immunohistochemically among the groups. Results: Macroscopically, moderate and severe adhesions were observed in four and three rats, respectively in the control group, while no adhesion was found in four rats and filmy adhesions were observed in three rats in the treatment group (p<0.01). Microscopically, there was moderate adhesions in three rats and severe adhesions in four rats in the control group, while three rats had no adhesions and four rats had slight adhesions in the treatment group (p<0.01). Microscopically, tendon healing was good in six rats and fair in one rat in the control group, while five rats showed excellent tendon healing and two rats showed good tendon healing in the treatment group (p<0.01). Immunohistochemically, expressions of collagen I (p<0.01), collagen III (p<0.001), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) (p<0.001), and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) (p<0.001) significantly decreased in the treatment group compared to the control group. Conclusion: Our study results indicated that PFD decreased collagen synthesis and prevented the formation of peritendinous adhesion in rats; however, it did not impair tendon healing.

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