Yıl: 2023 Cilt: 50 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 12 - 16 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.52037/eads.2023.0004 İndeks Tarihi: 31-05-2023

Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence

Purpose: This study aims to examine the diagnostic performance of detecting pulp stones with a deep learning model on bite-wing radiographs. Materials and Methods: 2203 radiographs were scanned retrospectively. 1745 pulp stones were marked on 1269 bite-wing radiographs with the CranioCatch labeling program (CranioCatch, Eskişehir, Turkey) in patients over 16 years old after the consensus of two experts of Maxillofacial Radiologists. This dataset was divided into 3 groups as training (n = 1017 (1396 labels), validation (n = 126 (174 labels)), and test (n = 126) (175 labels) sets, respectively. The conődence score of all tags was 84.04%; the trust of presence tags score of 85.82% and the conődence score of no labels were found to be 82.25%. The deep learning model was developed using Mask R-CNN architecture. A confusion matrix was used to evaluate the success of the model. Results: The results of precision, sensitivity, and F1 obtained using the Mask R-CNN architecture in the test dataset were found to be 0.9115, 0,8879, and 0.8995, respectively. Conclusions: Deep learning algorithms can detect pulp stones. With this, clinicians can use software systems based on artiőcial intelligence as a diagnostic support system. Mask R-CNN architecture can be used for pulp stone detection with approximately 90% sensitivity. The larger data sets increase the accuracy of deep learning systems. More studies are needed to increase the success rates of deep learning models.
Anahtar Kelime:

Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA Altındağ A, Uzun S, BAYRAKDAR I, Çelik Ö (2023). Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. , 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
Chicago Altındağ Ali,Uzun Sultan,BAYRAKDAR Ibrahim Sevki,Çelik Özer Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. (2023): 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
MLA Altındağ Ali,Uzun Sultan,BAYRAKDAR Ibrahim Sevki,Çelik Özer Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. , 2023, ss.12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
AMA Altındağ A,Uzun S,BAYRAKDAR I,Çelik Ö Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. . 2023; 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
Vancouver Altındağ A,Uzun S,BAYRAKDAR I,Çelik Ö Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. . 2023; 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
IEEE Altındağ A,Uzun S,BAYRAKDAR I,Çelik Ö "Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence." , ss.12 - 16, 2023. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
ISNAD Altındağ, Ali vd. "Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence". (2023), 12-16. https://doi.org/10.52037/eads.2023.0004
APA Altındağ A, Uzun S, BAYRAKDAR I, Çelik Ö (2023). Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. European annals of dental sciences (Online), 50(1), 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
Chicago Altındağ Ali,Uzun Sultan,BAYRAKDAR Ibrahim Sevki,Çelik Özer Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. European annals of dental sciences (Online) 50, no.1 (2023): 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
MLA Altındağ Ali,Uzun Sultan,BAYRAKDAR Ibrahim Sevki,Çelik Özer Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. European annals of dental sciences (Online), vol.50, no.1, 2023, ss.12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
AMA Altındağ A,Uzun S,BAYRAKDAR I,Çelik Ö Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. European annals of dental sciences (Online). 2023; 50(1): 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
Vancouver Altındağ A,Uzun S,BAYRAKDAR I,Çelik Ö Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence. European annals of dental sciences (Online). 2023; 50(1): 12 - 16. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
IEEE Altındağ A,Uzun S,BAYRAKDAR I,Çelik Ö "Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence." European annals of dental sciences (Online), 50, ss.12 - 16, 2023. 10.52037/eads.2023.0004
ISNAD Altındağ, Ali vd. "Detecting Pulp Stones with Automatic Deep Learning in Bitewing Radiographs: A Pilot Study of Artiőcial Intelligence". European annals of dental sciences (Online) 50/1 (2023), 12-16. https://doi.org/10.52037/eads.2023.0004