Yıl: 2023 Cilt: 6 Sayı: 2 Sayfa Aralığı: 341 - 373 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.37246/grid.1091847 İndeks Tarihi: 25-07-2023

Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration

The phenomenon of migration, which is one of the concepts discussed in the 21st century, is a topic of academic research in terms of architectural history due to its impact on urban spaces. The spatial practices caused by migration movements throughout history have been a guide to today's studies. Therefore, a case study is conducted to examine the migration-urban-space relationship of Poles, who migrated to Istanbul by the mid-19th century, achieved to establish an autonomous colony settlement, Adampol, and strived to build a church there. This study begins by looking at the migration process and the establishment of the village. Subsequently, a thorough examination is conducted on the Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski which still stands today. Drawings of the church are produced and examined from an architectural point of view. The lack of research regarding this church within architecture creates a unique aspect of this study, setting an example for immigrants to keep their ethnic and religious roots alive in physical spaces even when in another country.
Anahtar Kelime: Migration and Culture Catholic church in Istanbul Magration and Architecture Polish migration Migration history

Leh Göçünün Kültürel Sembolü: Czestochowa Meryem Ana ve Aziz August Czartoryski Kilisesi

21.yüzyılda tartışılan konuların başında gelen göç kavramı; kentsel mekânlar üzerindeki etkisi nedeniyle mimarlık tarihi araştırmaları açısından da önem taşımaktadır. Tarih boyunca yaşanan göç hareketlerinin yaratmış olduğu mekânsal pratikler günümüzdeki çalışmalar için yol gösterici olmuştur. Çalışma kapsamında 19.yüzyıl ikinci yarısı itibariyle İstanbul’a göçen Lehlerin, günümüz ismiyle Polonyalıların göçü ve bu göç hareketinin kent mekanlarına etkisinin mimari açıdan incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Leh göçmenler İstanbul’da Adampol isminde bir koloni yerleşimi kurmayı başarmıştır. Bu çalışmada günümüzde Polonezköy olarak bilinen bu yerleşimin kurulma süreci araştırılmıştır. Köyde yer alan ve günümüze kadar ulaşmış olan Czestochowa Meryem Ana Kilisesi ile ilgili arşiv ve yerinde gözlem çalışmaları yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın analiz kısmında kilise üzerine kroki çizimleri yapılmış, mimarı bakış açışı ile uslup ve kültürel yansımalar değerlendirilmiştir. Mimarlık disiplini altında kilise hakkında literatürde farklı bir araştırmanın yer almaması ve göçmenlerin kültürel kimliklerini mekansal boyutta sürdürmelerine örnek teşkil eden bir yapı olması çalışmanın özgünlüğünü arttırmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelime: Göç ve kültür İstanbul Katolik Kilise Göç ve Mimarlık Polonyalı göçü Göç tarihi

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APA Salihoğlu E, SENYURT O (2023). Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. , 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
Chicago Salihoğlu Elif Fatma,SENYURT OYA Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. (2023): 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
MLA Salihoğlu Elif Fatma,SENYURT OYA Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. , 2023, ss.341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
AMA Salihoğlu E,SENYURT O Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. . 2023; 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
Vancouver Salihoğlu E,SENYURT O Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. . 2023; 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
IEEE Salihoğlu E,SENYURT O "Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration." , ss.341 - 373, 2023. 10.37246/grid.1091847
ISNAD Salihoğlu, Elif Fatma - SENYURT, OYA. "Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration". (2023), 341-373. https://doi.org/10.37246/grid.1091847
APA Salihoğlu E, SENYURT O (2023). Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online), 6(2), 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
Chicago Salihoğlu Elif Fatma,SENYURT OYA Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online) 6, no.2 (2023): 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
MLA Salihoğlu Elif Fatma,SENYURT OYA Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online), vol.6, no.2, 2023, ss.341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
AMA Salihoğlu E,SENYURT O Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online). 2023; 6(2): 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
Vancouver Salihoğlu E,SENYURT O Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration. Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online). 2023; 6(2): 341 - 373. 10.37246/grid.1091847
IEEE Salihoğlu E,SENYURT O "Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration." Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online), 6, ss.341 - 373, 2023. 10.37246/grid.1091847
ISNAD Salihoğlu, Elif Fatma - SENYURT, OYA. "Church of Virgin Mary of Czestochowa and Beatified August Czartoryski: A Cultural Symbol of Polish Migration". Grid - architecture, planning and design journal (Online) 6/2 (2023), 341-373. https://doi.org/10.37246/grid.1091847