Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.

Yıl: 2023 Cilt: 48 Sayı: 3 Sayfa Aralığı: 539 - 548 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775 İndeks Tarihi: 04-12-2023

Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.

Chronic wounds are one of the common and serious diabetic complications that also impose a significant financial burden on society. A comprehensive treatment for chronic wounds has not yet been found and new treatment recommendations are needed. The beneficial effects of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) on wound healing have previously been demonstrated in healthy or diabetic animal models. H2S has also been found to accelerate wound closure in cells and animal models. H2S has been shown to be beneficial in diabetic wound healing, but their effect on wound healing under diabetic conditions has not yet been elucidated. In this study; we investigated the effects of H2S and reactive oxygen species (ROS) on wound healing in fibroblast under high glucose conditions. We used 2,3-bis-(2-methoxy- -nitro-5-sulfophenyl)-2H-tetrazolium-5-carboxanilide (XTT) and scratch migration assay to investigate fibroblast cell viability and wound healing migration. We showed that H2S enhanced wound healing in fibroblasts incubated with high glucose by increasing cell viability, proliferation, migration and attenuating ROS. According to our results, exogenous H2S reduced oxidative stress during wound repair. In conclusion, H2S accelerated wound healing, which may be related to the inhibition of oxidative stress.
Anahtar Kelime: Wound healing fibroblast high glucose hydrogen sulfide

Hidrojen Sülfür Hiperglisemik Koşullar Altında Fibroblastlarda Reaktif Oksijen Türevlerini Azaltarak Yara İyileşmesini Destekler

Kronik yaralar, topluma ciddi mali yük getiren, yaygın ve ciddi diyabet komplikasyonlarından biridir. Kronik yaraların kapsamlı bir tedavisi henüz bulunamamıştır ve yeni tedavi önerilerine ihtiyaç vardır. Hidrojen sülfürün (H2S) yara iyileşmesi üzerindeki faydalı etkileri daha önce sağlıklı veya diyabetik hayvan modellerinde gösterilmiştir. H2S’nin ayrıca hücrelerde ve hayvan modellerinde yara kapanmasını hızlandırdığı da bulunmuştur. H2S’nin diyabetik yara iyileşmesinde faydalı olduğu gösterilmiştir ancak diyabetik koşullar altında yara iyileşmesi üzerindeki etkisi henüz açıklanmamıştır. Bu çalışmada; H2S ve reaktif oksijen türevlerinin (ROS) yüksek glukoz koşullarında fibroblasttaki yara iyileşmesi üzerindeki etkilerini araştırdık. Fibroblast hücre canlılığını ve yara iyileşmesi göçünü araştırmak için 2,3-bis-(2-metoksi--nitro-5-sülfofenil)-2H-tetrazolyum-5- karboksanilid (XTT) ve “scratch migration assay” kullandık. H2S’nin yüksek glikozla inkübe edilmiş fibroblastlarda hücre canlılığını, çoğalmasını, göçünü artırarak ve ROS’ u zayıflatarak yara iyileşmesini arttırdığını gösterdik. Sonuçlarımıza göre eksojen H2S yara onarımı sırasında oksidatif stresi azalttı. Sonuç olarak H2S, oksidatif stresin inhibisyonu ile ilişkili olarak yara iyileşmesini hızlandırdı.
Anahtar Kelime: Yara iyileşmesi fibroblast yüksek glukoz hidrojen sülfür

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APA Denizaltı M (2023). Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. , 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
Chicago Denizaltı Merve Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. (2023): 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
MLA Denizaltı Merve Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. , 2023, ss.539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
AMA Denizaltı M Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. . 2023; 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
Vancouver Denizaltı M Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. . 2023; 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
IEEE Denizaltı M "Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.." , ss.539 - 548, 2023. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
ISNAD Denizaltı, Merve. "Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.". (2023), 539-548. https://doi.org/10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
APA Denizaltı M (2023). Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 48(3), 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
Chicago Denizaltı Merve Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 48, no.3 (2023): 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
MLA Denizaltı Merve Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.48, no.3, 2023, ss.539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
AMA Denizaltı M Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2023; 48(3): 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
Vancouver Denizaltı M Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2023; 48(3): 539 - 548. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
IEEE Denizaltı M "Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.." FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 48, ss.539 - 548, 2023. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775
ISNAD Denizaltı, Merve. "Hydrogen Sulfide Promotes Wound Healing by Attenuating Reactive Oxygen Species in Fibroblasts under Hyperglisemic Conditions.". FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 48/3 (2023), 539-548. https://doi.org/10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1354775