Yıl: 2012 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 2 Sayfa Aralığı: 243 - 272 Metin Dili: Türkçe İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022

Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme

Bu makalede, Michel Foucault’un iktidar kavramına ilişkin çözümlemeleri eğitim yönetimi bağlamında tartışılmıştır. Foucault’un, özne-iktidar, iktidar biçimleri [pastoral iktidar/biyo-iktidar], büyük kapatılma ve denetim toplumları, özneleşme ve kendilik teknikleri gibi kavramlaştırmaları, eğitim politikalarının yapılandırılmasında yeni bakış açıları sunabilir. Çalışmada, iktidar kavramı, doğruluk rejimi üretimi olarak iktidar, iktidarı çözümleme araçları ve iktidarla mücadele yöntemleri, yönetimsellik kavramı ve neo-liberal politik rasyonalitenin eleştirisi konuları ele alınmıştır. Ayrıca, eğitim yönetimi yaklaşımlarıyla eğitim politikalarının hâlihazırdaki durumunun ve pratiklerinin iktidar kavramı ışığında çözümlenmesi ihtiyacı üzerinde durulmaktadır. Bu doğrultuda, eğitim yönetimi alanındaki akademisyenlerin, egemen paradigmanın hizmetinde teori ve söylemler üreten bireyler olarak değil, ürettiği bilgi ile eleştiri pratiğini kurabilen entelektüeller olarak kendilerini konumlandırmaları önerilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları Film, Radyo, Televizyon

An examination regarding educational administration in the context of Foucault’s power analysis

Background. Educational administration is a field that requires disciplinary collaboration and working in theory and practice. However, especially in Turkey, it can be said that theoretical and practical information produced in educational administration has reference retrieval from business administration, economy, management, organization and similar areas. In this context, it can be said that ontological, epistemological and methodological dilemmas and deadlocks are experienced due to not adequately nourishing from human and social sciences (philosophy, sociology, psychology, anthropology etc.) in educational administration field. Studies produced in the field of educational administration congregate around the models developed in capitalist societies with the main themes like ‘quality management’, ‘strategic management’, ‘risk management’ and ‘job satisfaction’. Mentioned themes can generate problem areas that are up to date and needs to be discussed. However, created information is seen to have tendency being stereotyped in theory and practice. Management is an act that includes the constituents of power and strength. Therefore, how power areas are structured in administrative acts and processes, and how power relationships are constructed and maintained need to be examined. By this study, it is aimed to provide a contribution to the field since limited studies are performed concerning education, management and power relations in educational administration field in Turkey. Thus, new perspectives are presented about determining ‘power’ areas in educational organizations by the context of expanding power conceptualization in education system and educational practices that is defined by Foucault (b.1926-d.1984) and Althusser (b.1918-d.1990) as one of the government’s ideological devices. How administrative acts and processes are influenced from the relationship between knowledge and power, concretized progressively in contemporary societies, is a problem area that needs to be investigated. In this study, contributions of Michel Foucault’s concept of power analysis to educational administration are discussed. Foucault presents rich point of views about some concepts like subject-power, types of power [panoptic power/bio-power], panopticon and inspection societies, subjectivism and technologies of the self for reanalysis and construction of educational politics by means of his unique sociology. This study covers the topics of power concept, power as regime of truth production, power analysis tools and struggle methods against power, administrative concept and criticism of neo-liberal political rationalism. In addition, the study puts emphasis needs analysis of educational administration approaches and present states of educational politics in the light of power concept. In this context, Foucault’s ‘discipline’ and ‘power’ conceptualization and development are thought to provide contributions to intellectual development of educational administration field. In order to understand how power areas are constructed in educational administration politics and administrative processes, and question what kind of negotiation and distance occur between people serving education and prevailing ideology, requirement for awareness development in research and application processes is concluded. Power and Truth Regime Production. Foucault (2000b, p. 37-38) expanded the term of ‘power’ that was restricted only by the definition as being government device. Philosopher asserts the reason of expansion of this concept like that traditional governmental theory does not reveal the function and practice field of government devices in all aspects. According to him, power struggles comprise complicated sociological and political problem areas in their core. Foucault suggests multidimensional power analysis especially in the context of ‘oppressing’, ‘directing’, ‘managing’, ‘power group’, ‘government device’, ‘hierarchy’, ‘supervision’, ‘prohibition’ and ‘enforcement’ concepts. He states that power of the government does not represent all power relations. Government power is a meta-power that adopts -prohibition and alignment- function in its core, and has super structural position that operates micro-power relations under its basis (Foucault, 2000b; Günlü, 2003; Saygılı, 2005). Power needs truth regime in order to maintain its existence and legitimize its existence style. Power areas both produce knowledge and nourish power. Individuals articulated without getting space the criticism of power’s vicious cycle, especially administrators, become blind across this truth production with their ideals concerning preserving and maintaining their power relations. It is the scientific areas that enables penetration of power relations to societal structure and establishes the definition of truth regime and reality statement. These power relations neither can be differentiated without the production, accumulation and circulation of this reality statement, nor settle down and function. Specifically, power does not function without –reality statements economy- that is within the power and is effective by means of power. Power does not give up querying, searching and saving; power institutionalizes pursuit of reality, provides profession and rewards it (Foucault, 2000b, 2003). Tools for Analyzing Power and Struggling Methods with Power. According to Foucault (2000b, p. 105-111), techniques for analyzing power can be summarized as in the following: 1. It is necessary to seek power in most regional and most local locations, institutions
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları Film, Radyo, Televizyon
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA ŞENTÜRK İ, Turan S (2012). Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. , 243 - 272.
Chicago ŞENTÜRK İlknur,Turan Selahattin Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. (2012): 243 - 272.
MLA ŞENTÜRK İlknur,Turan Selahattin Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. , 2012, ss.243 - 272.
AMA ŞENTÜRK İ,Turan S Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. . 2012; 243 - 272.
Vancouver ŞENTÜRK İ,Turan S Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. . 2012; 243 - 272.
IEEE ŞENTÜRK İ,Turan S "Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme." , ss.243 - 272, 2012.
ISNAD ŞENTÜRK, İlknur - Turan, Selahattin. "Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme". (2012), 243-272.
APA ŞENTÜRK İ, Turan S (2012). Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 18(2), 243 - 272.
Chicago ŞENTÜRK İlknur,Turan Selahattin Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi 18, no.2 (2012): 243 - 272.
MLA ŞENTÜRK İlknur,Turan Selahattin Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, vol.18, no.2, 2012, ss.243 - 272.
AMA ŞENTÜRK İ,Turan S Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 2012; 18(2): 243 - 272.
Vancouver ŞENTÜRK İ,Turan S Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme. Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi. 2012; 18(2): 243 - 272.
IEEE ŞENTÜRK İ,Turan S "Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme." Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi, 18, ss.243 - 272, 2012.
ISNAD ŞENTÜRK, İlknur - Turan, Selahattin. "Foucault’un iktidar analizi bağlamında eğitim yönetimine ilişkin bir değerlendirme". Kuram ve Uygulamada Eğitim Yönetimi 18/2 (2012), 243-272.