Yıl: 2014 Cilt: 5 Sayı: 2 Sayfa Aralığı: 61 - 71 Metin Dili: Türkçe İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022

A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing

Amaç: Antonovskynin salutogenik modeli sağlık ve iyilik halini destekleyen faktörler üzerine odaklanmaktadır. Bu makalenin amaçları Antanovskynin Bütünlük Duygusu Ölçeğine (SOC) ilişkin mevcut araştırma literatürünü gözden geçirmek, psikiyatri ve akıl sağlığı dallarında çalışan hemşireleri ilgilendiren çıkarımları belirlemektir. Gereç ve Yöntem: Elektronik veri tabanlarında örnekler, örneklem büyüklüğü, çalışma tasarımları ve temel sonuçlar açısından karşılaştırmalı seçili çalışmalar araştırılmıştır. Enine kesitsel çalışmalar, kişisel özellikler, stres, tükenmişlik, hastalık ölçekleri, meslek memnuniyeti ve SOC ölçeği arasındaki korelasyonlar gözden geçirilmiş, eğitimin SOC üzerine etkisini belirlemek için girişimsel çalışmalar kullanılmıştır. Bulgular: Bu derleme Antonovskynin felsefi değerlerini yorumlamada ve hastalık yokluğunun bir ölçümü olarak SOC ölçeklerinin görünürdeki kullanımı dahil olmak üzere ciddi metodolojik zorluklar olduğunu ortaya çıkartmıştır. Sonuç: Bu derleme psikiyatri ve akıl sağlığı alanlarında çalışan hemşirelerde stres, tükenmişlik, psikiyatrik acillerle başa çıkma ve mesleğe yeni katılacakların seçimi açısından önemli sonuçlara varabilmiştir.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Hemşirelik

Antonovsky bütünlük duygusu ölçeği ve hemşirelik araştırmalarında kullanımının sistematik incelemesi: Ruh sağlığı ve psikiyatri hemşireliği açısından anlamlar

Objectives: Antonovsky s salugenetic model focuses on factors that promote health and well-being. The objectives of this paper were to review the existing research literature related to Antonovsky s Sense of Coherence Scale (SOC) and establish implications for psychiatric and mental health nurses. Methods: Electronic databases were searched with selected studies compared for sample, sample size, study designs and basic results. Cross-sectional studies were reviewed for correlations between personality traits, stress, burnout, disease-scales, job satisfaction and the SOC scale, with Intervention studies used to establish the impact of training on the SOC. Results: The review discovered serious methodological difficulties, including interpretations of Antonovsky s philosophical values and the apparent use of the SOC scales as a measure of disease absence. Conclusion: The review was able to draw important conclusions for psychiatric and mental health nurses (PMHNs) related to stress, burnout, dealing with psychiatric emergencies and the selection of new recruits to the profession.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Hemşirelik
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA WARD M, SCHULZ M, BRULAND D, LOHR M (2014). A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. , 61 - 71.
Chicago WARD Martin,SCHULZ Michael,BRULAND Dirk,LOHR Michael A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. (2014): 61 - 71.
MLA WARD Martin,SCHULZ Michael,BRULAND Dirk,LOHR Michael A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. , 2014, ss.61 - 71.
AMA WARD M,SCHULZ M,BRULAND D,LOHR M A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. . 2014; 61 - 71.
Vancouver WARD M,SCHULZ M,BRULAND D,LOHR M A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. . 2014; 61 - 71.
IEEE WARD M,SCHULZ M,BRULAND D,LOHR M "A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing." , ss.61 - 71, 2014.
ISNAD WARD, Martin vd. "A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing". (2014), 61-71.
APA WARD M, SCHULZ M, BRULAND D, LOHR M (2014). A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 5(2), 61 - 71.
Chicago WARD Martin,SCHULZ Michael,BRULAND Dirk,LOHR Michael A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi 5, no.2 (2014): 61 - 71.
MLA WARD Martin,SCHULZ Michael,BRULAND Dirk,LOHR Michael A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, vol.5, no.2, 2014, ss.61 - 71.
AMA WARD M,SCHULZ M,BRULAND D,LOHR M A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2014; 5(2): 61 - 71.
Vancouver WARD M,SCHULZ M,BRULAND D,LOHR M A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing. Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi. 2014; 5(2): 61 - 71.
IEEE WARD M,SCHULZ M,BRULAND D,LOHR M "A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing." Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi, 5, ss.61 - 71, 2014.
ISNAD WARD, Martin vd. "A systematic review of antonovsky's sense of coherence scale and ıts use in studies among nurses: Implications for psychiatric and mental health nursing". Psikiyatri Hemşireliği Dergisi 5/2 (2014), 61-71.