Yıl: 2015 Cilt: 10 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 511 - 534 Metin Dili: Türkçe İndeks Tarihi: 29-07-2022


Türkiye'de on yıllık Demokrat Parti iktidarını sona erdiren ve uzun yıllar askeri vesayetin siyaset üzerinde baskı kurmasına neden olan 27 Mayıs 1960 darbesi, gerek sebepleri gerekse de sonuçları açısından dikkatle incelenmesi gereken bir tarihi olaydır. 27 Mayıs'a nasıl gelindiği ve darbe sonrası ülkenin içine düştüğü durum, aradan geçen bunca zamana rağmen hala tartışılırken, olaylar ideolojik bakış açısının etkisiyle maalesef tam olarak aydınlatılamamıştır. Bu bağlamda geçmişte de günümüzde de döneme ilişkin birçok spesifik çalışma yapılmıştır ve bundan sonra da yapılmaya devam edecektir. Ancak şurası muhakkaktır ki darbe tek taraflı bir eylem olarak gerçekleşmemiş, DP'nin özellikle 1957 seçimlerinden sonraki uygulamaları ve iktidara muhalif olan tüm kesimlerin tutumları askeri ister istemez siyasetin içerisine çekmiştir. Asker ise darbe sonrası uygulamalarla, özellikle de Başbakan Adnan Menderes, Dışişleri Bakanı Fatin Rüştü Zorlu ve Maliye Bakanı Hasan Polatkan'ın idamına hükmederek, halkın önemli bir kesiminin düşmanlığını kazanmış ve bundan sonraki askeri müdahalelere örnek teşkil etmesinin yanında, intikam duygusunun her dönemde, 1972'deki idamlar sırasında olduğu gibi, canlı kalmasına sebep olmuştur. Bu makalede 27 Mayıs darbesinin belli sebepleri ve sonuçları ile siyaset üzerinde bıraktığı izler arşiv belgeleri, dönemin basını ve diğer kaynaklar çerçevesinde değerlendirilmiştir
Anahtar Kelime:


In parallel with examples of many countries in the World, thearmy has been involved in politics in almost every era and become oneof the policy makers in Turkey. In the last period of the OttomanEmpire, during the First World War and the War of Independence andin the establishment of the new Turkish State, the army has alwaysbeen at the forefront, served as savior and undertaker of the country.Although this sense of duty was for the benefit of state and people insome certain periods, it has caused emergence of some events putcountry's democratization back as experienced on May 27th 1960,March 12th 1971, September 12th 1980 and February 28th 1997,respectively. The coup of May 27th has led up to a total change andrevolution; on the other hand, it resulted in establishment of a politicaltutelage on politics on legal grounds by guardianship of theConstitution. In this context, the coup of May 27th has become anexample for other interventions and paved the way for the formation ofconsciousness to have revenge from Democratic Party by post-coupconstitution. However, it has also established a ground to have revengeof the coup of May 27th in the subsequent military interventions.In May 1950, while the ruling power of Republican Party was overafter 27 years and transferred to Democratic Party (DP), the pluralisticdemocracy was also being tested. In 1950 and 1954, DP won theelections overwhelmingly against its opponents. Although DP lost somevotes in 1957, they have succeeded in getting hold of the power overTurkey. However, the idea of losing power from that date began topredominate among party members and an executive group nottolerating opposition has emerged in the party. Especially politicalparties, universities, the press and activities of some associations wererestricted and their radius of action was limited by some constitutionssuch as Investigation Commission. Reactions against this pressure havenot delayed; and the protests started at universities have taken the formof a full-scale rebellion by spreading into the country and even army ina short time. After this point, the Army was involved in politics and theyhave given ultimatums to the ruling party by memorandums in a waynot seen before. The idea of seizing control of the country has emergedwhen the Army couldn’t achieve what they wanted. However, althoughthis idea was not accepted by all members of the Army starting fromtop-to-bottom, it was developed as a junta among Colonels.During the DP period, the country has achieved a serioustransformation process and especially country's foreign policy andeconomic practices have increased the respectability of Turkey.However, 10-year rule has been weakened the party as well asopposition parties. The ruling party has punished those who haven’tvote for them and caused separations between people by using someconcepts such as “Homeland Front”. In addition, they did not hesitateto use religion as a tool for their own interests. Thus, the Army haswarned the ruling party with a memo by taking a stance over politicsAskeri Vesayet Sisteminin İlk Halkası: 27 Mayıs Süreci ve Sonrası 513Turkish StudiesInternational Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or TurkicVolume 10/1 Winter 2015and political parties; then, overthrew the ruling party and paved theway for a new non-democratic era.After the coup, the General Cemal Gursel was convinced and putin charge of the movement and he has taken the tasks of being thePresident of National Unity Committee (NUC) in addition to the bePresident, Prime Minister, Minister of Defence and Commander-inChief. Meanwhile, preparations for a new constitution were startedthrough the Constituent Assembly and the new constitution wasadopted on July 9th 1961. On the other hand, the Supreme Court ofJustice established in Yassiada has conducted the hearing of DPmembers and sentenced 15 people to death penalty. Although someinfluent people such as Ismet Inonu attempted to stop executions, NUCapproved the execution of 3 party members; the Prime Minister AdnanMenderes, Foreign Minister Fatin Rustu Zorlu and Finance MinisterHasan Polatkan. Shortly after the executions, elections took place aspromised; however, the DP’s heirs got higher votes than expected.Therefore, new coup attempts emerged. However, these attempts werenot successful and Turkey has entered into an unusual period withcoalition governments. However, since the ideologies of left and right arequite dominant in Turkey, it has been understood that the logic ofcoalition couldn’t work in the country.The Army has left two major legacies (military and political) overTurkish political history along with May 27th. While the legacy ofmilitary could be summarized as tradition of coup and establishment ofpolitical tutelage over politics, political legacy has made itself felt in thepost-coup constitutions prepared. The army has considered itself ascharged with the patronage of politicians with a constitutional basis. Itis possible to see this consideration in the relationship between thearmy and politics in the later period.Although the military coup in Turkey was interpreted as a returnto the traditional governance style from unreal democracy andparliamentarism that took place in an important part of Middle Easterncountries for many years, on the other hand, it led people to considerArmy as the new middle class and only organized power that canreactivate the communities, ensure the development of countries andput up a fight against corrupt governments of the Middle Easterncountries. In addition, it has been emphasized that any changeoccurring in the position of the Army in the social and politicalstructure may result in reverberations throughout the wholecommunity. It has been also believed that Turkish military officers havea du
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APA ÖNAL T (2015). ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 10(1), 511 - 534.
Chicago ÖNAL Tekin ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS. Turkish Studies (Elektronik) 10, no.1 (2015): 511 - 534.
MLA ÖNAL Tekin ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), vol.10, no.1, 2015, ss.511 - 534.
AMA ÖNAL T ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS. Turkish Studies (Elektronik). 2015; 10(1): 511 - 534.
Vancouver ÖNAL T ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS. Turkish Studies (Elektronik). 2015; 10(1): 511 - 534.
IEEE ÖNAL T "ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS." Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 10, ss.511 - 534, 2015.
ISNAD ÖNAL, Tekin. "ASKERİ VESAYET SİSTEMİNİN İLK HALKASI: 27 MAYIS". Turkish Studies (Elektronik) 10/1 (2015), 511-534.