Yıl: 2023 Cilt: 18 Sayı: 1 Sayfa Aralığı: 15 - 28 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376 İndeks Tarihi: 25-05-2023

From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties

Large-scale projects are among the characteristics of the current globalisation pattern. This phenomenological urban space changer (the large-scale project) has samples mostly in and around the megacities and urban regions, yet not limited to those areas. Besides the conventional aspects of large-scale projects which are mainly high cost, complexity, multiactor collaboration, long duration, and great impact, some other identifiers are also apparent such as having high risks and specific types of uncertainties. The process should be analysed detailed and systematically to control the problems caused by uncertainties. An analytical perspective is required as it is very difficult to comprehend the nature of large-scale projects with conventional tools. In the study, the conceptual framework of uncertainties, which was adapted to large-scale projects by Hall (1981), was used to examine the selected case study. In mid-size cities, reveals some other projects, which do not totally meet the definitive criteria of large-scale projects but resemble the content and impact of such projects to a certain level. In the study, it is argued that such projects can and must be evaluated in terms of large-scale projects, even if they do not have an impact on a national or international scale. From this perspective, the Kaşüstü junction project in Trabzon city, which is an implemented sample of such relatively large-scale projects, was examined. By using archival research and indepth interview methods, the process of the “Kaşüstü Junction” project was analysed. The characteristics of the junction project and the uncertainties that it contains show that a midsized city can also be exposed to the impact of large-scale projects.
Anahtar Kelime:

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APA Tatlı P, Erkan G (2023). From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. , 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
Chicago Tatlı Pelin,Erkan Gökhan Hüseyin From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. (2023): 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
MLA Tatlı Pelin,Erkan Gökhan Hüseyin From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. , 2023, ss.15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
AMA Tatlı P,Erkan G From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. . 2023; 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
Vancouver Tatlı P,Erkan G From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. . 2023; 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
IEEE Tatlı P,Erkan G "From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties." , ss.15 - 28, 2023. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
ISNAD Tatlı, Pelin - Erkan, Gökhan Hüseyin. "From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties". (2023), 15-28. https://doi.org/10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
APA Tatlı P, Erkan G (2023). From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. Megaron, 18(1), 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
Chicago Tatlı Pelin,Erkan Gökhan Hüseyin From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. Megaron 18, no.1 (2023): 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
MLA Tatlı Pelin,Erkan Gökhan Hüseyin From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. Megaron, vol.18, no.1, 2023, ss.15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
AMA Tatlı P,Erkan G From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. Megaron. 2023; 18(1): 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
Vancouver Tatlı P,Erkan G From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties. Megaron. 2023; 18(1): 15 - 28. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
IEEE Tatlı P,Erkan G "From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties." Megaron, 18, ss.15 - 28, 2023. 10.14744/megaron.2023.59376
ISNAD Tatlı, Pelin - Erkan, Gökhan Hüseyin. "From crossover road to underpass: Examining the large-scale projects over their uncertainties". Megaron 18/1 (2023), 15-28. https://doi.org/10.14744/megaron.2023.59376