Yıl: 2018 Cilt: 0 Sayı: 35 Sayfa Aralığı: 397 - 432 Metin Dili: Türkçe DOI: dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280 İndeks Tarihi: 11-09-2019


Bu çalışma tefsir ilmi ile üslȗbu’l-Kur’an arasındaki ilişkiyi araştırmaktadır. Bu ilişki, Kur’an’ın beyan vasfının tabii ve zaruri bir sonucudur. Çünkü Allah Kur’an’ı, ihtiva ettiği mana ve maksatların muhatapları tarafından anlaşılması ve hayata geçirilmesi için indirmiştir. Bu itibarla muhataplarının yeteneklerini ve birikimlerini dikkate almıştır. Zira ne tek başına belagat ilimlerinin sözlü/yazılı bir kelam/metin hakkındaki kuramsal açıklamaları ne de betimleyici ve değerlendirici nakiller, o metnin muhatapları tarafından gerektiği gibi anlaşılmasını sağlayamaz. Sağlıklı bir iletişim için dil ve belagat kadar fesâhat da gereklidir. Fesâhat, mütekellim ile muhatabın müşterek bir sosyal, kültürel, zihinsel ve duygusal zeminde buluşmasını gerektirmektedir. Mütekellimin kastı muhatabının zihninde ancak fasih olması, yani kullandığı dilin açık ve anlaşılır olması halinde karşılık bulabilir. Bu koşul, Kur’an için de geçerlidir. Bu nedenle Allah, hitabını belagat ve fesâhat kaideleri çerçevesinde indirmiştir. Böylece hem onun içerdiği edebȋ incelikler dolayısıyla bir i‘cȃz vesilesi olmasını sağlamış hem de beyan olma işlevini yerine getirerek taşıdığı manaları muhatabının zihnine yaklaştırmış; muhatapla metin arasındaki mesafeyi mümkün olduğunca daraltmıştır. Kur’an bunu, belagat ve fesâhat özellikleri ile yapmıştır. Kur’an’ın beyan olması, onun nüzul dönemi Araplarının dil ve belagat konusundaki örfüne ve fesâhat anlayışlarına uygunluğu ile alakalıdır. İşte bu hikmet nedeniyle tefsir ilmi de Kur’an lafızları ve ibarelerinin anlamları ve delaletlerini tespit etmek veya çıkarsamak ve ulaştığı anlamların doğruluğunu indiği ortamın sosyal ve kültürel koşullarında denetlemek için o anlamları çevreleyen üslȗba, aynı zamanda Kur’an’ın üslȗbu olması itibarıyla başvurmuştur. Zira Kur’an lafızlarının hangi sözdiziminde, hangi zihinsel bağıntıda ve tarihsel bağlamda, kısca hangi üslȗpta, hangi manaya delalet ettiğini belirleyebilmek için üslȗbu’l-Kur’an’ı bilmek gerekmektedir.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Din Bilimi


It is a factual necessity for the Qur'an, which is a book sent as a foundation, to send its divine purposes and personalities to its counterparts within a certain history, to take into account the talents and accumulations of their first counterparts. For even if it is built at the top of the word, lore, and prayer, it can not have the qualities and qualifications to enable communication between the parties, as long as it does not correspond to the meaning of the recipient's consciousness in the mind. When it comes to the Qur'an, it is an ontological and epistemological question arising from the fact that the municipality is the Ztt-ı hymn, and therefore the nature of the address and of the communities is different. So it's a very sophisticated question. However, by being a clear statement of God, the Qur'an has been revealed to be read, understood, and experienced. In order to achieve this purpose, he used the communicator's communication tools, language and expressions; thus bringing the meanings and intentions of the subject closer to the mind of the subject and establishing a natural balance between himself and his interlocutor by using his words, his concepts and knowledge. It is in fact the wisdom of his being an obvious Arabic statement. The Method of Expression in Qur'an is one of the most concrete manifestations of this divine wisdom. Because of this wisdom, it is necessary to apply to the basil-Qur'an to understand, explain and interpret (tafsir and te'vil) activities in order to determine the meaning and the meanings of Qur'anic words and phrases. Because it is a divine word, it is necessary to know The Method of Expression in Qur'an in order to determine in which syntax of the Qur'an, in which style, in which mental / logic relation and historical context, which manifestation and what Allah's purpose is is required. As a consequence of this necessity, this article deals with the issue of üslȗbu'l-Qur'an with a divine intervention. The Qur'an is a controversial word that uses the power of speech in a highly effective way through its original style. It is different from existing literary genres and divine / non-religious texts; in terms of verbal features it is more than all. There are no thematic or chronological arrangements in literary or scientific texts. There is a perfect harmony between the words and their meanings; even more than the mean words he carries. Their words are not too long to make the reader care, nor are they too short to make sense of their meaning. Cognitive, sensory and emotional levels living in different times and soils with the same phrases can address different people. Thanks to this style, he is contemporaneous with his own and with his believers at all times. At this point, eloquence is taking advantage of the possibilities of identification. It repeats some issues because of its importance; but it is understood that these expressions, which seem to reappear when they are read together with the textual and non-textual contexts, are not the former ones by their nature. The Method of Expression in Qur'an, is a source of apprehension and frequent application of tafsir because of the possibilities of reaching the meanings which exceed the punishment and ink of the Qur'anic words and the simultaneous manifestation of the nas'in nüzulla due to divine intervention. Because the exponent is the expression of the presence of the speaker. In other words, it is a very comprehensive vernacular which expresses the reason why and how the caste-i hahin is charged to the words. then there is no possibility to be acquainted with the meanings and intentions of the Qur'an without knowing the original one. At this point, Tafsir is also benefiting from the knowledge of the Prophet, who will give the name of the state carvings together with his knowledge, nahiv, declaration, meȋnȋ and bedȋ ', and the history documents documenting the attitudes of the first interlocutors. In the solution of the grievances that the commentators are confronted with at the point of interpretation of the divine address, it is essential for the Araplar to understand the present and earlier beliefs of the lore, the linguistic customs, the period of the ignorance period and the poems of the poetry period and also the knowledge of the environment where the inspiration is descended and the influence of these factors on the formation of the Qur'an and thus. For Allah has not used an unknown meaning, a meaningless purpose, and a random style, regardless of the manners and customs of the Arabic language, even a single word. Otherwise, the accountant would have loaded a load on the takatin, which is against the wisdom that the Quran is a clear statement.
Anahtar Kelime:

Konular: Din Bilimi
Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA Baysal S (2018). ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. , 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
Chicago Baysal Sıddık ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. (2018): 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
MLA Baysal Sıddık ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. , 2018, ss.397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
AMA Baysal S ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. . 2018; 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
Vancouver Baysal S ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. . 2018; 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
IEEE Baysal S "ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ." , ss.397 - 432, 2018. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
ISNAD Baysal, Sıddık. "ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ". (2018), 397-432. https://doi.org/dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
APA Baysal S (2018). ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. Bilimname, 0(35), 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
Chicago Baysal Sıddık ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. Bilimname 0, no.35 (2018): 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
MLA Baysal Sıddık ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. Bilimname, vol.0, no.35, 2018, ss.397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
AMA Baysal S ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. Bilimname. 2018; 0(35): 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
Vancouver Baysal S ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ. Bilimname. 2018; 0(35): 397 - 432. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
IEEE Baysal S "ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ." Bilimname, 0, ss.397 - 432, 2018. dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280
ISNAD Baysal, Sıddık. "ÜSLÛBU’L-KUR’ÂN’IN TEFSİR İLMİ İLE İLİŞKİSİ". Bilimname 35 (2018), 397-432. https://doi.org/dx.doi.org/10.28949/bilimname.393280