Yıl: 2021 Cilt: 2021 Sayı: 28 Sayfa Aralığı: 300 - 330 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.14689/enad.28.13 İndeks Tarihi: 16-12-2021

Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions

This research aims to identify the main problems experienced byadults with visual impairments regarding the use and accessibility oforientation and mobility skills and offer solutions for these problems. For thispurpose, the knowledge of individuals with visual impairment on orientationand mobility skills and the problems they experience while using these skillsand using public transport were discussed. Additionally, the skills they mostneed and want to learn, and the environment, people, and teaching stylethey want when being taught these skills were examined in detail accordingto the participants’ opinions. In the study, phenomenology design, one ofthe qualitative research methods, was used. 17 adults participated in theresearch, which would provide the most diversity for demographicinformation such as age, gender, and educational status. The research datawere collected with the interview form tool consisting of semi-structuredquestions. The interviews were deciphered and transferred to the MAXQDAprogram, which is a computer-aided qualitative data analysis program foranalysis. The descriptive analysis method was used in the analysis of theobtained data. As a result of the study, it was found that the level ofeducation in orientation and mobility is quite low and they need to betrained. They suffer accidents due to lack of education,architectural/environmental precautions, inadequacy of measures taken fortransportation, lack of assistive technology, attitude of people and lack oftraining of sighted guides. O&M programs can be developed for adults thatinclude various indoor and outdoor routes and using transport.
Anahtar Kelime:

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APA Altunay B, Yalçın G, UYSAL SARAÇ M (2021). Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. , 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
Chicago Altunay BANU,Yalçın Gülistan,UYSAL SARAÇ Menekşe Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. (2021): 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
MLA Altunay BANU,Yalçın Gülistan,UYSAL SARAÇ Menekşe Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. , 2021, ss.300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
AMA Altunay B,Yalçın G,UYSAL SARAÇ M Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. . 2021; 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
Vancouver Altunay B,Yalçın G,UYSAL SARAÇ M Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. . 2021; 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
IEEE Altunay B,Yalçın G,UYSAL SARAÇ M "Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions." , ss.300 - 330, 2021. 10.14689/enad.28.13
ISNAD Altunay, BANU vd. "Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions". (2021), 300-330. https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.28.13
APA Altunay B, Yalçın G, UYSAL SARAÇ M (2021). Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2021(28), 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
Chicago Altunay BANU,Yalçın Gülistan,UYSAL SARAÇ Menekşe Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 2021, no.28 (2021): 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
MLA Altunay BANU,Yalçın Gülistan,UYSAL SARAÇ Menekşe Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, vol.2021, no.28, 2021, ss.300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
AMA Altunay B,Yalçın G,UYSAL SARAÇ M Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2021; 2021(28): 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
Vancouver Altunay B,Yalçın G,UYSAL SARAÇ M Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions. Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi. 2021; 2021(28): 300 - 330. 10.14689/enad.28.13
IEEE Altunay B,Yalçın G,UYSAL SARAÇ M "Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions." Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi, 2021, ss.300 - 330, 2021. 10.14689/enad.28.13
ISNAD Altunay, BANU vd. "Orientation and Mobility Problems of Adultswith Visual Impairment and Suggestions forSolutions". Eğitimde Nitel Araştırmalar Dergisi 2021/28 (2021), 300-330. https://doi.org/10.14689/enad.28.13