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Objective: This study was carried out to examine the frequency of lumbopelvic pain in pregnant women, the level of disability associated with it, and the factors that may affect the level of disability. Methods: The descriptive, cross-sectional and analytical study was carried out with 381 pregnant women who received service from the routine pregnancy follow-up outpatient clinic of a state hospital. A form including demographic, obstetric, and other descriptive characteristics of the cases, a visual pain zone diagram to determine the pain area, and the Roland–Morris Disability Questionnaire (RMDQ) to determine the disability level were used as data collection tools. Descriptive statistical methods and non-parametric tests were used in the analysis of the data. Results: It was determined that 86.35% (n=329) of the participants had lumbopelvic pain and were mildly disabled according to the RMDQ total score (12.0 ± 7.3). In the analysis performed according to subgroups, the mean RMDQ scores of pregnant women with pelvic girdle pain were found to be statistically significantly higher than those with low back pain (P < .05). Other variables associated with high disability scores were education level, parity, occupation, gestational week (trimester), presence of lumbopelvic pain in the previous pregnancy, work stress, and negative sexual life history (P < .05). Conclusion: Lumbopelvic pain is a condition that is common in pregnancy, can cause differ ent levels of disability depending on some factors, and should not be ignored by antenatal care providers.
Apolipoprotein E (APOE) is one of the main proteins responsible for cholesterol transport. It has three major isoforms, APOE2, APOE3, and APOE4. The purpose of this study is to investigate the possible effects of single nucleotide variations (SNVs) in the APOE gene, which cause amino acid substitution, on the function, structure and stabilization of the APOE protein using bioinformatics/s tools. SNVs and protein sequence information were obtained from NCBI and UniProt databases. Bioinformatical analysis was performed using a series of tools such as SIFT, PolyPhen-2, SNPs&GO, Mutation Assessor, PROVEAN, SNAP2, I-Mutant-3, MUPro, and Project HOPE. As a result, 321 missense SNVs were analyzed and rs7412 (R176C), rs769455 (R163C), rs11542029 (R50C), rs121918393 (R154S), rs121918394 (K164Q), rs200703101 (R154P), rs387906567 (R160C), rs11542040 (P102T), rs11542041 (R132S) and rs41382345 (E139V) were predicted to be deleterious/disease related after functional analysis and pathological effect analysis via all of the bioinformatics/s tools. According to the protein stabilization results, it was determined that all SNVs decreased protein stabilization with the MUPro software tool, and two SNVs (rs121918394, rs41382345) increased protein stabilization with the I-Mutant-3 software tool. The models of protein and amino acid properties were obtained via Project HOPE for all high-risk SNVs. We hope our analysis will be valuable for further proteomic, genomic, and clinical research.
This research aims to determine the impact of "stay-at-home" practices on violence against women during the Covid-19 epidemic process, contribute scientifically to the regulation of practices based on existing policies, and develop recommendations for remedial and preventative policies. In the research designed as a scanning model, violence against women news was searched for retrospectively in all national and local newspapers and news sites published online before the pandemic (12.03.2019-12.03.2020) and during the pandemic (13.03.2020-13.03.2021) using keywords. In the study, the data were compiled from a total of 545 news articles, 247 of which were from before the pandemic and 298 during the pandemic period. The SPSS 25 statistical analysis program was used in the analysis of the data. In summary, it was determined that the number of cases during the epidemic was significantly higher than the number of cases before the pandemic (p <0.05), and the number of cases of violence (83.4%) before the pandemic decreased (65.1%) during the pandemic period. It was determined that violence, which is a crime of intentional injury, increased by 34.9% during the pandemic period compared to the pre-epidemic (16.6%) (p <0.05). It is thought that the research will shed light on the development of policies to prevent violence against women, early intervention, and recovery.
Numerous disabling motor and non-motor symptoms occur during Parkinson’s disease (PD), including speech disorders, often referred to as hypokinetic dysarthria. PD is the most common cause of this type of dysarthria. About 90% of PD patients experi- ence hypokinetic dysarthria, which is exacerbated as the disease progresses and makes it very difficult for other people to under- stand the person with PD. This disorder is characterized by a monotonous speech pattern, reduced and monotonous loudness, decreased stress, a breathy or hoarse voice quality, an increase in speech rate, rapid repetition of phonemes, and impreciseness in consonant production. However, patients may also have sensory symptoms including inaccurate perceptions of their own loud- ness and decreased awareness of speech problems. Hypokinetic dysarthria in PD may not only result from dopamine degeneration in the nigrostriatal pathway but also from disturbances in the motor and somatosensory systems. All speech components, such as phonation, articulation, respiration, resonance, and prosody should be assessed carefully in PD patients with hypokinetic dysar- thria. Taking medical history, an oral motor assessment, a perceptual evaluation of speech characteristics, intelligibility, efficiency, and participation in communication all need to be a part of the assessment. The tasks of maximum phonation time, diadochoki- netic rate, reading sentences, words, and passages, describing pictures, and spontaneous speech are used to assess the features of speech components and intelligibility. The evaluation should include physiological, acoustic, or imaging modalities as well. Speech therapy is typically the main treatment of speech problems in PD. The management of PD-related hypokinetic dysarthria basically focuses on speaker-oriented and communication-oriented strategies. In addition to these strategies, Augmentative Alternative Communication (AAC) should be considered in patients with severe dysarthria. Loudness, intelligibility, and sound perception may all significantly improve with the Lee Silverman Voice Therapy LOUD (LSVT LOUD) program which is an evidence-based program. The beneficial effect of pharmacological and surgical treatment approaches has not been proven in improving speech. Deep brain stimulation may carry the risk of the deterioration of speech as the illness progresses.
Cultivation of microorganisms in ideal laboratory conditions seperates them from their natural conditions and isolates them from their microbial world, especially from their competitors. With traditional pure culture-oriented cultuvation techniques, interactions mediated by small molecules are not taken into account, resulting in the precise nature of the interactions being largely unknown. Co-culture systems are systems in which two or more different cell populations are grown together. In this way, studies on natural interactions between populations can be made and synthetic interactions that are not observed in nature can be provided. With these systems, natural product discovery, microbial ecology, evolution and pathogenesis studies are carried out. In addition, co-culture systems are also used in industrial, environmental and medical studies. In this study, the wild strain of Schizosaccharomyces pombe and the DH5α strain of Escherichia coli were grown in their own specific media, then cultured for 48 hours and 72 hours by cultivating in media containing 0,1% glucose with different cell number, and finally the differentiation in the proteins released by the cells into the medium was observed in SDS polyacrylamide gels. Different from the control conditions, new protein bands that emerged under the co-culture conditions were detected and two of these bands were analyzed by mass spectrometry (MS). While 6 of differentaited proteins were released by S.pombe, 257 proteins matched with E.coli proteom. These proteins are; Various carbohydrate-binding proteins, membrane proteins involved in the identification of various signaling molecules and antibiotics, and other proteins involved in various cellular processes.
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, sıçanlarda kronik öngörülemeyen depresyon modelinde propolisin antidepresan etkisi araştırıldı. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada Wistar-Albino erkek ratlar kullanıldı ve propolis, stres, stres+propolis, ve kontrol olmak üzere 4 gruba ayrıldı. Her gruba sekiz hayvan atandı. Deney protokolü stres gruplarına 60 gün süreyle uygulandı ve hayvanlar farklı stresörlere maruz bırakıldı. Propolis ekstresi (100 mg/kg) propolis ve stres+propolis gruplarına deney protokolü boyunca oral yoldan verildi. Depresyon modellemesi sonucunda davranışsal değerlendirme için Zorunlu Yüzme Testi, Sükroz Tercih Testi ve Yükseltilmiş Artı Labirent Testi uygulandı. Sıvı kromatografi-tandem kütle spektrometresi (LC-MS/MS) yöntemi ile idrarda serotonin (5-HT) ve metaboliti 5-hidroksi indol asetik asidin (5-HIAA) kantifikasyon analizi için 24 saatlik idrar örnekleri toplandı. Deney işlemi sonucunda hayvanlar sakrifiye edildi. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlar Statistical Package for the Social Sciences kullanılarak analiz edildi. Bulgular: Gruplar arasında davranış testleri açısından istatistiksel olarak anlamlı fark olduğu görüldü (p<0,05). Sıçanlara stres altında propolis verilmesinin sıçanlarda şeker tüketimini değiştirdiği gösterildi (p<0,05). Zorunlu Yüzme Testi için, stres grubu ile diğer gruplar arasında istatistiksel olarak fark vardı. 5-HT ve 5-HIAA düzeyleri için gruplar arasında anlamlı fark yoktu (p>0,05). Sonuç: Bulgular, propolis özütünün antidepresan benzeri etkileri sayesinde depresyonu önlemeye yardımcı olabileceğini göstermiştir.
Objective: The research was planned and performed as a quasi-experimental controlled study to determine the effect of music on postoperative pain, vital signs, analgesic use, and duration of hospital stay in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty surgery. Methods: This study was performed on 60 patients who underwent total knee arthroplasty surgery. “Patient Information Form” and “Patient Follow-up Chart” were used to collect the data; the “Numerical Pain Scale” was used to evaluate the pain severity; the sphygmomanometer and the stethoscope were used for vital findings; and pulse-oximetry was used to assess the oxygen saturation. The patients were divided into 2 groups as the music and control group. The patients in the music group listened to the music with the headphones during the surgery day, on the first day after the surgery, and on the second day after the surgery, 2 sessions a day, for 30-50 minutes. The control group patients were allowed to rest in a quiet atmosphere during the same period. Pain and vital findings were evaluated before and after the sessions. Results: The blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, pain score, and analgesic use of the experimental group were found to be statistically and signifi- cantly lower than the control group. No significant difference was found between the heart rate and hospital stay duration of the patients. Conclusion: It has been determined that listening to music has positive effects on perceived pain severity, blood pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, and analgesic use.
Değerler ve manevi yaşantılar insan hayatının temel ihtiyaçlarıdır ve bu yaşantıların temeli ailede atılır. Aile içerisinde sadece maddi değil manevi olarak da birlikteliği güçlendiren birtakım değerler vardır ve aile yaşantısı içerisine dahil edilerek çocuğun değerler eğitiminin temelinin atılmasında hayati önem taşımaktadır. Bunlar; Meşveret, eşitlik, özerklik, hakkaniyet, sevgi, saygı, güven, paylaşımcılık, maddi ve manevi kazanımlar olarak sıralanabilir. Dolayısıyla bu değerlerin aile yaşantılarına ne derece katıldığının belirlenebilmesi öz farkındalık açısından gerekli olup ölçüm aracı ihtiyacını gündeme getirmiştir. Böylece, ailenin değerler ve manevi eğitimdeki tutumlarının ölçümlenmesi amacıyla 994 kişiden oluşan bir çalışma grubunda Üsküdar Ailede Manevi Yaşantı Ölçeğinin geliştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Ayrıca, günümüzde yaygın kullanılan sosyal medyanın günlük kullanım süresinin manevi yaşantıda fark yaratıp yaratmadığı da incelenmiştir. Yapılan geçerlilik ve güvenilirlik çalışmaları sonucunda, 39 madde ve 4 boyuttan (Aile Ortamı, Davranış, Din Eğitimi, Disiplin) oluşan geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek yapısı elde edilmiştir. Ölçek toplam varyansın %59’unu açıklamıştır. Ölçeğin güvenilirlik katsayısı Cronbach Alpha değeri ölçek toplamı için ,96 olarak bulunmuştur. Böylece, Üsküdar Ailede Manevi Yaşantı Ölçeği adında geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek ortaya çıkmıştır. Günlük sosyal medya kullanım süresi arttıkça ölçekten alınan puanın azaldığı görülmüş, günlük kullanım süresinin manevi yaşantıda fark yarattığı sonucuna varılmıştır.
Erektil Disfonksiyon (ED) tedavisine, ED’ye neden olan diyabet, kardi- yovasküler nedenler, ilaç kullanımı gibi düzeltilebilir faktörlerin ortadan kaldırılması ve yaşam tarzı değişiklikleri ile başlanmalıdır. Şu anda ED tedavisinde çoğunlukla fosfodiesteraz tip 5 inhibitörleri kullanılmakta - dır ve bazı hastalarda tedavi başarısız olmaktadır. Peyronie hastalığına bağlı ED tedavisinde kullanılan cerrahi ve cerrahi olmayan yöntemler- den tatmin edici sonuçlar elde etmek genellikle zordur. Son araştırmalar ekstrakorporeal şok dalga tedavisinin neoanjiyogenezi indüklediği ve penil hemodinamiyi olumlu etkilediği belirtilmektedir. Bu derlemede, erektil disfonksiyon ve Peyronie hastalığının tedavisi için ekstrakorpo - real şok dalga tedavisinin klinik etkinliğine dair kanıtlar yer almaktadır.
Objective: To compare physiological intra- cytoplasmic sperm injection (PICSI) and the hy- poosmotic swelling test (HOST) sperm selection techniques in terms of embryo development, implantation rate and live birth rates in cases of severe or moderate oligoastheneospermia. Material and Methods: The electronic ma- terial and files of cases admitted to the Medipol University IVF Centre between 2013 and 2022 were analyzed retrospectively. This research included a total of 143 cases with moderate or severe oligoasthenospermia, as a sperm selec- tion technique, PICSI has been used in 80 cases and HOST has been used in 63 cases. Cases of severe or moderate oligoasthenospermia as de- fined by the World Health Organisation (WHO) are included in this study. The demographic pa- rameters of both groups, including female age, paternal age, duration of infertility, anti-Mulle- rian hormone (AMH), body mass index (BMI), endometrial thickness, and the number of prior fertility attempts, were analyzed. Implantation rate, pregnancy loss, and rates of live births were compared between two groups. Results: Female age, paternal age, AMH, endometrial thickness, BMI, and the number of prior fertility attemps were similar between the groups. There were not any significant differences between the groups in terms of fertilization rate (10.2±6.9 vs 9.1±6.4, p=0.345), TQ-GQ blasto- cyst development (2.4±2.4 vs 2.6±1.4 , p=0.097), and the number of embryos transferred (1.6±0.5 vs 1.8±0.4, p= 0.141). Although the implantation rate is significantly higher in the HOST group than PICSI group (p=0.043), the live birth rates were similar. Conclusion: There were no any differences in embryo devel- opment, pregnancy loss, and live birth rates comparing the two methods, however, the HOST group had a higher implantation rate.
Amaç: Bu çalışmanın amacı, orijinal dili İngilizce olan Gıda Temelli Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği'nin adölesanlar için Türkçe uyarlamasını yapmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu çalışma, Eylül-Kasım 2020'de İstanbul ilinde eğitim gören 472 katılımcı ile yapılmıştır. Veriler "Kişisel Bilgiler Formu", "Gıda Temelli Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği" ve "Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği" ile toplanmıştır. Toplanan veriler ile ölçeğin geçerlik ve güvenirlik analizleri yapılmıştır. Bulgular: Beş maddeli ve tek boyutlu ölçek için öz-değer 2.72, açıklanan varyans oranı %54.4’tür. Maddelerin faktör yükleri 0.44-0.76 arasındadır. Cronbach Alpha iç güvenirlik katsayısı 0.78'dir. Doğrulayıcı faktör analizi sonucuna göre iyilik değerleri x2/df= 2.38, RMSEA= 0.069, SRMR= 0.029, CFI=0.982, IFI=0.983 ve GFI=0.984 olarak bulunmuştur. Test-tekrar test korelasyonu 0.86'dır. Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği ve Gıda Temelli Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği arasındaki korelasyon ise 0.53 olarak saptanmıştır. Sonuç: Türkçe uyarlaması yapılan Gıda Temelli Yaşam Doyumu Ölçeği 14-18 yaş arası adölesanlar için geçerli ve güvenilirdir.
Objective: Video-sharing sites have recently become a popular means of obtaining medical information. This study aims to analyze the English content quality and reliability of YouTube videos as a source of information on the loss of smell. Material and Methods: A search was made on YouTube using the keyword “loss of smell,” “anosmia” and “olfactory dysfunction”. A total of 180 videos, 60 from each category, were reviewed. Ninety videos were excluded due to exclusion criteria, and a total of 90 videos were reviewed. Results: Videos in 5 categories (physician-based, social/professional organizations, patients, health-related websites, and academic origins) were evaluated with DISCERN, GQS, and JAMA scores. Physician-based videos had higher scores for quality and reliability than other videos. Conclusions: YouTube is a universal information tool growing in popularity in the medical field. Physician-based videos on the loss of smell are better in terms of quality and reliability and may be more informative.
Objective: The aim of the study is to predict the absorbed radiation dose on thorax CT imaging in geriatric patients with COVID-19. Materials and Method: The SIEMENS SENSATION 64 CT scanner was performed with real protocols to patients (male/female phantom) using Monte Carlo simulation methods with the patient’s real height and weight nts and the actual parameters CT scanner. Absorbed organ doses have been calculated based on these Monte Carlo results. These results were used to predict the optimal absorbed radiation dose by Artificial Neural Network, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Random Forest Classification, and Naive-Bayes Classification algorithms. The dose values were clustered for genders by the Fuzzy C-Means algorithm. Results: The ages of the patients were between 60 and 70 years. The Body Mass Indexes of male and female patients were 26.11 ± 4.49 and 25.03 ± 4.86 kg/m2 respectively. All classification algorithms were validated with approximately 100% success. The Fuzzy C-Means technique was found to be successful in clustering the dose values for gender clusters. Conclusion: While the predicted and the observed values of patients do not change in the organs/tissues around and outside of the thorax, they generally vary in the intra-thoracic organs and tissues. It can be concluded that data-driven techniques are useful to obtain optimal radiation doses for organs/tissues in CT imaging.
This study aimed to identify the need for disease management in diabetes in Turkey and present recommendations for diabetes management policies as a part of the established needs. This study was planned as a case study, and the snowball sampling method was used as a part of qualitative research. Twenty-one individuals, including six doctors, three diabetes nurses, six academics, and six adult diabetic patients, were included using semi-structured forms with the in-depth interview technique. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and content analysis methods. In the analysis, the “NVivo 12. Program” was used. The results were discussed along with the relevant literature, and conclusions and recommendations were reached in line with the research objectives. The participants stated that practices related to disease management in diabetes improved compared to the past, but the development process should continue. The participants reported a need for a multidisciplinary systematic process to prioritize the patient and their needs and help patients live healthy and free from complications. In terms of disease burden, diabetes is a significant issue that affects all countries worldwide. We recommend the determination of health policies, health service delivery schemes, changes in the health system, and multidisciplinary work related to diabetes management in Turkey, and steps should be taken to improve these issues.
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a multifactorial disease resulting from both genetic and environmental factors, which are pathologically defined by the accumulation of intracellular hyperphosphorylated tau protein, neurofibrils tangles, and extracellular amyloid β protein in the brain. The purpose of this study is to estimate the potentially damaging effects of missense single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the BID, MAPK10 and AGER genes associated with AD using various in silico tools and to determine the effects of SNPs on miRNAs. In addition, it is aimed to determine the gene-gene and protein-protein interactions through various software tools. Consequently, it was estimated that there may be harmful effects of seven polymorphisms in the BID gene, twentyseven in the MAPK10 gene and three in the AGER gene. It was obtained that some SNPs decrease the effectiveness of miRNA-mRNA binding, enhance, break, create a new binding zone and/or destroy the miRNA-mRNA binding zone in the BID and MAPK10 genes. miRNA-SNP analyses could not provide information on the AGER gene. In this study, SNPs in the BID, MAPK10, and AGER genes, which are estimated to be high-risk SNPs, will be able to provide data for future genotyping studies. SNPs that are estimated to be high-risk and SNPs that may have a role in miRNA- mRNA activity can be assessed as a priority in experimental studies related to AD. In the future, experimental studies are proposed to investigate the clinical effects of harmful/disease-related missense SNPs and SNPs affecting mRNA-miRNA interaction.
Aim: The foods that we eat don’t just impact our physical health. The link between what we eat and how we feel has become a trending topic. However, knowledge on the effects of diet types on this relation is still limited. The first aim of this study is to reveal the possible link between diet types and eating behaviors, anxiety and depression. Second one is to predict possible variables (demographic, health-related and medical) which cause higher depression scores among individuals following a meat-free diet and an omnivore diet. Materials and Methods: A questionnaire-based survey cross-sectional study was conducted among individuals with a meat-free diet and an omnivore diet (N = 836 with a vegan or a vegetarian diet, N = 519 with an omnivore diet) using an online questionnaire. Demographic, health-related and medical characteristics, The Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R 21, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale were used to assess variables. Results: A meat-free diet group showed significantly lower anxiety and depression scores, lower cognitive restraint, lower emotional eating and lower uncontrolled eating than omnivore diet group. Shared predictors of depression were dissatisfaction with physical appearance, uncontrolled eating and smoking in both meat-free diet group and omnivore diet group. Lower cognitive restraint and lower education level were predictors of depression in only omnivore diet group. Conclusion: This study revealed that an omnivore diet may be more associated with anxiety, depression, and some disordered eating behaviors than a meat-free diet.
Microalgae are considered as an ample source of bioactive compounds. These wide variety of chemicals possess promising potential to translate into drug candidates. Hence, the aim of this study is to determine potential anti-cancer effects of Spirulina platensis microalgae extract against endometrial cancer cells. The selective cytotoxic effect and cytotoxicity index of S. platensis microalgae extract on the Ishikawa endometrial cancer cell line, the determination of DNA fragmentation and the change in gene expression levels of apoptosis-related Bad, Poly- ADP Ribose Polymerase-1 (PARP1), p53, Akt1 and caspase-3 signaling proteins were determined. ECV304 human umbilical vein endothelial cell line was used for a control cell line. Cytotoxic effects of 500 μg mL-1 of S. platensis microalgae extract on Ishikawa and ECV304 cells were determined as 43±4.87 % and 22±1.87 % respectively. In order to delineate specific compounds in the extract, GC-MS analysis was further conducted and seven major compounds revealed to be abundantly present. Since DNA fragmentation induced by S. platensis extract might be related interaction of GC-MS identified compounds with PARP1, an in silico analysis was further implemented. Results indicated the presence of a possible PARP1 inhibitory mechanism contributing to the apoptotic response. In conclusion, a possible link between a specific compound found in S. platensis microalgae extract and the cytotoxicity in endometrial cells was formed through combining in vitro and in silico approaches. The result of these approaches has contributed to the identification of potential anti-cancer compound candidates found in S. platensis microalgae extract.
Amaç: Bu araştırmanın amacı, Grubbs ve arkadaşları tarafından geliştirilen Siber Pornografi Kullanım Envanteri-9’un (SPKE-9) Türkçe formunun dil eşdeğerliği, geçerlilik ve güvenirliğinin incelenmesidir. Yöntem: SPKE-9 Türkiye genelinde 4390 kişiden oluşan bir çalışma grubuna uygulanmıştır. Envanter “Kesinlikle Katılmıyorum” ile “Kesinlikle Katılıyorum” aralığında yedili likert tipinde derecelendirilmekte ve bireylerin siber porno kullanım seviyesini ölçmektedir. SPKE-9’un İngilizce ve Türkçe formu arasındaki uyumu incelemek için yapılan Pearson korelasyon katsayıları sonucunda pozitif ve anlamlı değerlere ulaşılmıştır. Bulgular: Orijinali 3 faktörden oluşan envanterin yapı geçerliliğini sağlamak için yapılan faktör analizi sonucunda Türkçe formunda da aynı yapının geçerli ortaya çıkmıştır. Birinci faktör olan “Algılanan Zorlanma” varyansın %47,57’sini, ikinci faktör olan “Duygusal Sıkıntı” varyansın %24,23’ünü, üçüncü faktör olan “Erişim Çabaları” varyansın %10,72’sini açıklamaktadır. Toplam 9 maddeden oluşan üç faktörlü yapı toplam varyansın %82,53’ünü açıklamıştır. Ayrıca yapılan doğrulayıcı faktör analizinde üç faktör SPKE-9’u doğrulanmıştır. Uyum iyiliği değerleri kabul edilebilir bulunmuştur (Ki-kare/serbestlik değeri: 3,97; RMSEA: 0,08; NFI: 0,95; NNFI: 0,93; CFI: 0,96; GFI:0,94; AGFI: 0,90). Ölçeğin iç tutarlılık katsayısı Cronbach Alfa değeri 0,84 bulunmuştur. Sonuç: “Siber Pornografi Kullanım Envanteri-9” (SPKE-9) Türkçe formunun geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçme aracı olarak kullanılabileceği bulunmuştur.

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