Yıl: 2022 Cilt: 47 Sayı: 3 Sayfa Aralığı: 381 - 392 Metin Dili: İngilizce DOI: 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174 İndeks Tarihi: 25-11-2022

Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is characterized by progressive memory loss, deterioration of other cognitive functions, and inability to perform activities of daily living. Inhibiting the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) enzyme causes Ach accumulation in cholinergic synapses. This situation is expected to increase cognitive functions. Carbonic anhydrase enzymes (CAs) are ubiquitous in all living organisms. They have crucial physiological and pathological roles. CA inhibitors (CAIs) bind to catalytic zinc ions in the active site of CA isoenzymes and block their activity. The clinical use of CAIs had been established as antiglaucoma, anticonvulsant agents, diuretics, and anti-obesity drugs, in managing mountain sickness, gastric and duodenal ulcers, neurological disorders, osteoporosis, and tumors. To evaluate the bioactive profile of Heptaptera triquetra root, isolation studies, AChE, and human carbonic anhydrase (hCA) I and II inhibitory activities were performed. According to isolation studies, one fatty acid, coniferyl palmitate (1); four sesquiterpene coumarins, umbelliprenin (2), badrakemin acetate (4), colladonin (5), karatavicinol (6); and two sterols, stigmasterol (3a), β-sitosterol (3b) were isolated. All isolated compounds showed high potency against all enzymes (except badrakemin acetate for AChE) compared to standards. Umbelliprenin (2) with an IC50 value of 31.500 nM against hCA I, colladonin (5) with an IC50 value of 36.473 nM against hCA II and stigmasterol (3a), and β-sitosterol (3b) mixture with an IC50 value 9.000 nM against AChE demonstrated the best activity
Anahtar Kelime:

Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root’un Asetilkolinesteraz ve Karbonik Anhidraz I-II Enzimlerini İnhibe Edici Etkilerinin Taranması ve Fitokimyasal Analizi

Alzheimer hastalığı (AH), ilerleyen hafıza kaybı, diğer bilişsel işlevlerde bozulma ve günlük yaşam aktivitelerini yerine getirememe ile karakterizedir. Asetilkolinesteraz (AChE) enziminin inhibe edilmesi, kolinerjik sinapslarda Ach birikimine neden olur. Bu durumun bilişsel işlevleri artırması beklenir. Karbonik anhidraz enzimleri (CA’lar) tüm canlı organizmalarda bulunur. Çok önemli fizyolojik ve patolojik rolleri vardır. CA inhibitörleri, CA izoenzimlerinin aktif bölgesindeki katalitik çinko iyonuna bağlanır ve etkilerini inhibe eder. CA I’lerin klinik kullanımı, dağ hastalığı, mide ve duodenum ülserleri, nörolojik bozukluklar, osteoporoz ve tümörlerin tedavisinde, antiglokom, antikonvülsan, diüretik ve antiobezite ilaçları olarak belirlenmiştir. Heptaptera triquetra kökünden hazırlanan diklorometan ekstresinin biyoaktif profilini değerlendirmek için izolasyon çalışmaları, AChE, insan karbonik anhidraz (hCA) I ve II inhibitör aktivite tayinleri yapılmıştır. İzolasyon çalışmalarına göre, bir yağ asidi, koniferil palmitat (1); dört seskiterpen kumarin, umbelliprenin (2), badrakemin asetat (4), kolladonin (5), karatavisinol (6); ve iki sterol, stigmasterol (3a), β-sitosterol (3b) izole edilmiştir. İzole edilen tüm bileşikler, standartlarla karşılaştırıldığında (AChE için badrakemin asetat hariç) tüm enzimlere karşı yüksek etki göstermiştir. hCA I’e karşı 31.500 nM IC50 değerine sahip umbelliprenin (2), hCA II’ye karşı IC50 değeri 36.473 nM olan kolladonin (5) ve AChE’ye karşı IC50 değeri 9.000 nM olan stigmasterol (3a) ve β-sitosterol (3b) karışımı en iyi aktiviteyi göstermiştir.
Anahtar Kelime:

Belge Türü: Makale Makale Türü: Araştırma Makalesi Erişim Türü: Erişime Açık
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APA ÇİÇEK KAYA A, Özbek H, YUCA H, Yılmaz G, bingöl z, Kazaz C, Gulcin i, Güvenalp Z (2022). Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. , 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
Chicago ÇİÇEK KAYA Ayşe,Özbek Hilal,YUCA Hafize,Yılmaz Gülderen,bingöl zeynebe,Kazaz Cavit,Gulcin ilhami,Güvenalp Zühal Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. (2022): 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
MLA ÇİÇEK KAYA Ayşe,Özbek Hilal,YUCA Hafize,Yılmaz Gülderen,bingöl zeynebe,Kazaz Cavit,Gulcin ilhami,Güvenalp Zühal Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. , 2022, ss.381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
AMA ÇİÇEK KAYA A,Özbek H,YUCA H,Yılmaz G,bingöl z,Kazaz C,Gulcin i,Güvenalp Z Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. . 2022; 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
Vancouver ÇİÇEK KAYA A,Özbek H,YUCA H,Yılmaz G,bingöl z,Kazaz C,Gulcin i,Güvenalp Z Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. . 2022; 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
IEEE ÇİÇEK KAYA A,Özbek H,YUCA H,Yılmaz G,bingöl z,Kazaz C,Gulcin i,Güvenalp Z "Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root." , ss.381 - 392, 2022. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
ISNAD ÇİÇEK KAYA, Ayşe vd. "Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root". (2022), 381-392. https://doi.org/10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
APA ÇİÇEK KAYA A, Özbek H, YUCA H, Yılmaz G, bingöl z, Kazaz C, Gulcin i, Güvenalp Z (2022). Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 47(3), 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
Chicago ÇİÇEK KAYA Ayşe,Özbek Hilal,YUCA Hafize,Yılmaz Gülderen,bingöl zeynebe,Kazaz Cavit,Gulcin ilhami,Güvenalp Zühal Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 47, no.3 (2022): 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
MLA ÇİÇEK KAYA Ayşe,Özbek Hilal,YUCA Hafize,Yılmaz Gülderen,bingöl zeynebe,Kazaz Cavit,Gulcin ilhami,Güvenalp Zühal Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.47, no.3, 2022, ss.381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
AMA ÇİÇEK KAYA A,Özbek H,YUCA H,Yılmaz G,bingöl z,Kazaz C,Gulcin i,Güvenalp Z Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022; 47(3): 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
Vancouver ÇİÇEK KAYA A,Özbek H,YUCA H,Yılmaz G,bingöl z,Kazaz C,Gulcin i,Güvenalp Z Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root. FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2022; 47(3): 381 - 392. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
IEEE ÇİÇEK KAYA A,Özbek H,YUCA H,Yılmaz G,bingöl z,Kazaz C,Gulcin i,Güvenalp Z "Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root." FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 47, ss.381 - 392, 2022. 10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174
ISNAD ÇİÇEK KAYA, Ayşe vd. "Phytochemical Analysis and Screening of Acetylcholinesterase and Carbonic Anhydrase I and II Isoenzymes Inhibitory Effect of Heptaptera triquetra (Vent.) Tutin Root". FABAD Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences 47/3 (2022), 381-392. https://doi.org/10.55262/fabadeczacilik.1147174